xml Forum

XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language. XML is designed to describe data and to focus on what data is. Here defines common errors and their solutions..:-)

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Every thing about XML
XML Common Issues and solutions
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
  1. converting wml into html and dhtml into html using xslt
  2. CIW Certification
  3. External & Internal DTD
  4. xml transformation on Nav6
  5. Escaping of URL can be done from XSLT?
  6. Transform XML into HTML table
  7. Using a Non-IE5.0 browser - How can I load an XML formatted string into the DOM?
  8. XML-browser
  9. XSL arguments?
  10. Can I get the new parser on a Mac?
  11. Normalize records in XML/XSL
  12. XML & CSS
  13. xsl:for-each
  14. An XML Node and the "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" name space
  15. help me about standard dtd!!!
  16. XML- metadatastandard for newsdistibution
  17. How to save an XHTML file?
  18. A case study on XML and allied technologies
  19. OK so I'm a blockhead. Param help:
  20. xml and drop-down list in HTML
  21. How do i search within a xml file?
  22. run schema on XML document after it was loaded...?
  23. inserting images & tables in a XML page
  24. XML.NET v.s. MSXML Release ?.
  25. fromatting form objects within an XML document with XHTML
  26. Books??
  27. Choosing XML parser
  28. Inserting a nodeList into a DOM Document
  29. XML and VB
  30. recomended recordset size
  31. Netscape and XML/XSLT
  32. HTML template and XML/XSLT usage
  33. What is the best way..?
  34. XML/C++ Integration tools
  35. Need Help
  36. Include an asp file into my XSL file
  37. get a parameter into xml, instead of hardcoding
  38. XML portability
  39. Where to start
  40. XML Startkabel update week 8 2001
  41. Thank you: Where to start
  42. XML with VB TreeView Object
  43. calculations in XSL ? is it possible
  44. How to format data in a table
  45. asa
  46. What is the difference between xml and HTML
  47. storing DOM in database
  48. Using a Schema in VS.NET
  49. refresh after getting response from different page
  50. XML Data Islands
  51. DTD DOM-like model
  52. Possible limit for the schemacache object
  53. XML benefits
  54. XML editor ...
  55. How to use XSL to expand and collapse summary/detail in xml?
  56. Extended Chars in XML
  57. XML transactional based frameworks
  58. SOAP Parameters
  59. Parsing attributes in VBScript
  60. xsl syntax to iterate all child nodes
  61. SOAP question
  62. Xpath queries with SAX
  63. pass value to javascript in xsl
  64. Problems with XSL
  65. News metadata - RDF, RSS, XMLNews-Meta?
  66. Performance probs when creating large XML docs
  67. How to write out the XML document into a file?
  68. XML & whitespace problem
  69. Is there any security concept in XML
  70. Newbies to XML
  71. Parsing XML and XSL
  72. Generate .xml from asp form
  73. new to xml
  74. param Qusetion
  75. managing XMLHTTPObject on the single computer
  76. Is this considered good xml practice
  77. Borland XML Parser
  78. sgml to sgml
  79. XML ADO ADO.NET and Recordsets
  80. Managing XML content (present in multiple files)
  81. SQL timestamp column in XML
  82. How to create digital signatures in xml documents
  83. Get certificate and private key from IE5.0 to sign an XML document
  84. How can I generate a .xml from a DTD and a form?
  85. XML/XSL Java Package
  86. How do I load an XML formatted string into the DOM?
  87. how COM will accept XML data from SQL?
  88. A newbie question re CSS and XML
  89. SQL conversion to XML (I think)
  90. XML Through Firewalls
  91. XML Patch for IE4 xmlredist.exe
  92. XSL file and external scripts
  93. Cheers again Russ
  94. SAX Programing with VB
  95. How can I generate a .xml with a C++ TreeCtrl?
  96. transfering w3.org namespace to my own server
  97. Trying to have IE5.5 do XSLT with 1999/XSL/Transform
  98. ??Best way to validate an external dtd
  99. loadXML vs. CreateElement
  100. how to use XML with javascript or vbscript client script
  101. Possible to declare condition statement in XSD?
  102. IVBSAXXMLFilter Example
  103. Serious help needed!
  104. viewsource in html
  105. Build Centralized VB, XML Apps Error: Suggestions?
  106. How to convert xml document to both HTML and PDF
  107. XML string from a Stored Procedur....
  108. fd
  109. view source in HTML or XML
  110. SQL 2000 and XML
  111. xml standards for user information storing and sharing
  112. XML question
  113. XML Data Islands
  114. Ordering of the attributes
  115. How do I transform xml serverside with data coming from a database?
  116. how can I serialize a XMLDocument using oracle xdk?
  118. Basic Requirements For XML
  119. Creating a "search" with XML.
  120. XML & Javascript
  121. Generating HTML and PDF files
  122. XMLHTTP
  123. Getting child nodes....
  124. vb to xml sending data to the server and save it as xml file
  125. MS Access to XML
  126. Sites that return XML
  127. How does XML manage update of a data record?
  128. Persisting from ADO to XML in DOM
  129. XSLT
  130. Inquiry on XML\DOM and server end uses
  131. How: Populate table of URLs from an XML using XSLT
  132. Ignore previous one: How: Populate table of URLs from an XML using XSLT
  133. XML-based tool to manage database schemas (install, upgrade, migrate)?
  134. Re: Populate table of IMGs from an XML using XSLT
  135. Compilation error in Tomcat Serverlet Engine
  136. Compilation errors in Tomcat Servlet engine
  137. XML File Size
  138. Need to understand XML/EDI better...pls help.
  139. XML-direct connection to database
  140. Internationalization with XML
  141. XML / XSL -> HTML on Server
  142. Changing an XML document using XSL transformations
  143. XMLHTTP Question
  144. converting xml to html
  145. xsl:include in IE5 fails.
  146. Update: xsl:include in IE5 fails.
  147. DTD Stumper
  148. parsing XML String in java...
  149. Changing an XML document using XSL transformations - Part II
  150. Errors executing sample SOAP appln
  151. HTTP Request
  152. XML, XSL and PERL
  153. XML parsing in C++
  154. XML commute reading
  155. SOAP/WebDAV : When to use ?
  156. XSL namespace - feature conflict
  157. Simple Java DOM question
  158. xml, xsl and perl!!
  159. Comparision --what's wrong in this simple fragment
  160. Any XSLT debugger available?
  161. nested xsl:for-each seems not working
  162. data mining
  163. xsl:if vs. xsl: choose
  164. Caching XML on the client and paging it
  165. Need Ur Suggestion
  166. Need Ur Suggestion
  167. Namespace problem with Bulkload
  168. XMLHTTP problems...help?
  169. xsl, xml and time
  170. Creating XML3 document in a VB MTS component
  171. Reading document.cookie in XSL
  172. Typo-> Reading document.cookie in XSL
  173. How to form a conditional XPath expression
  174. anchor in xsl
  175. xml to html
  176. Parent child relationships (im an XML amateur/newbie)
  177. Query on SOAP
  178. XML Bench Mark Testing
  179. XML integrated with INPUT
  180. Reading data into XML using a file that has CVS or XLS format
  181. how to create a radio button in xsl,xml
  182. How to use namespaces and DTDs
  183. Re: Reading data into XML using a file that has CSV or XLS format
  184. xml to ado recordset
  185. a second ? regarding xml to ado recordset
  186. XSL Performance
  187. XSL Performance
  188. parser loses tags
  189. Loading XML into Visual C++
  190. For XML in stored procedure
  191. Loading Combobox with XML7/XSL
  192. XML Word Processor...
  193. developerWorks is giving away a free Webservices CD
  194. Can Not Create Object: MSXML2.
  195. An interesting filtering problem
  196. An example of using IXMLHttpRequest::put_onreadystatechange Method
  197. data conversion to xml
  198. Initiale Java array with XML data.
  199. How is XML used ??
  200. Thanks Mark
  201. Invalid chars in XML Doc
  202. Spinning your XML for screens of all sizes
  203. appendchild losing data
  204. Installing XML
  205. Populating a treeview with XML documents
  206. Sending and receiving XML parameters to a ATL COM
  207. Encoding switch error
  208. Combining XML Documents
  209. formatting data with XSL
  210. Re: Encoding switch error (FIXED)
  211. Dynamically displaying data using XML/XSL/CSS
  212. Access XML-Content with Jscript?
  213. Tree expanded by default in IE.
  214. Using XML to access data from a database
  215. XML and Boolean
  216. XML Information
  217. xml to jsp, i would appreciate any ideas, thanks
  218. text to xmll conversion
  219. novice XSLT problem in VB
  220. XSLT functions - divide
  221. XML and database -- how do we connect them? Who is the middle guy?
  222. ADO Or XML ? What should I use ?
  223. XML encoding - handling foreign lang chars
  224. XML Editor in IE5 browser
  225. XML Startkabel News
  226. Basic Question - hyperlink
  227. Multiple XSL & XML docs: How to integrate...
  228. SOAP and XMLHTTP object...
  229. XML/C++ Development Tools
  230. Display XML doc in IE control without saving it to disk
  231. Question with passing XML to a target ASP
  232. XML from VB with DTD files?
  233. XML error -2147221164
  234. Displaying data read from a data source, on a dynamically generated HTML
  235. Xml architecture
  236. Reading a XML-File in an Applet
  237. Transformation on Server
  238. Multiple stylesheets with XSLT
  239. Persistant Recordset using XML
  240. Referrences in VB
  241. XPath - SQL Select distinct
  242. HTML Scraping useful
  243. retrieving XML as Recordset to asp
  244. Writing and Reading a XML Stream
  245. Problem with XMLHTTP.Open
  246. Reading in an N-tier system
  247. XML Newbie - Confused
  248. simple XML APPENDING problem
  249. Combining multiple ADO recordsets into hierarchical XML
  250. external DTD help
posted by Mr.Late @ 10:05 PM   0 comments
XML Common Issues and solutions
  1. converting wml into html and dhtml into html using xslt
  2. CIW Certification
  3. External & Internal DTD
  4. xml transformation on Nav6
  5. Escaping of URL can be done from XSLT?
  6. Transform XML into HTML table
  7. Using a Non-IE5.0 browser - How can I load an XML formatted string into the DOM?
  8. XML-browser
  9. XSL arguments?
  10. Can I get the new parser on a Mac?
  11. Normalize records in XML/XSL
  12. XML & CSS
  13. xsl:for-each
  14. An XML Node and the "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" name space
  15. help me about standard dtd!!!
  16. XML- metadatastandard for newsdistibution
  17. How to save an XHTML file?
  18. A case study on XML and allied technologies
  19. OK so I'm a blockhead. Param help:
  20. xml and drop-down list in HTML
  21. How do i search within a xml file?
  22. run schema on XML document after it was loaded...?
  23. inserting images & tables in a XML page
  24. XML.NET v.s. MSXML Release ?.
  25. fromatting form objects within an XML document with XHTML
  26. Books??
  27. Choosing XML parser
  28. Inserting a nodeList into a DOM Document
  29. XML and VB
  30. recomended recordset size
  31. Netscape and XML/XSLT
  32. HTML template and XML/XSLT usage
  33. What is the best way..?
  34. XML/C++ Integration tools
  35. Need Help
  36. Include an asp file into my XSL file
  37. get a parameter into xml, instead of hardcoding
  38. XML portability
  39. Where to start
  40. XML Startkabel update week 8 2001
  41. Thank you: Where to start
  42. XML with VB TreeView Object
  43. calculations in XSL ? is it possible
  44. How to format data in a table
  45. asa
  46. What is the difference between xml and HTML
  47. storing DOM in database
  48. Using a Schema in VS.NET
  49. refresh after getting response from different page
  50. XML Data Islands
  51. DTD DOM-like model
  52. Possible limit for the schemacache object
  53. XML benefits
  54. XML editor ...
  55. How to use XSL to expand and collapse summary/detail in xml?
  56. Extended Chars in XML
  57. XML transactional based frameworks
  58. SOAP Parameters
  59. Parsing attributes in VBScript
  60. xsl syntax to iterate all child nodes
  61. SOAP question
  62. Xpath queries with SAX
  63. pass value to javascript in xsl
  64. Problems with XSL
  65. News metadata - RDF, RSS, XMLNews-Meta?
  66. Performance probs when creating large XML docs
  67. How to write out the XML document into a file?
  68. XML & whitespace problem
  69. Is there any security concept in XML
  70. Newbies to XML
  71. Parsing XML and XSL
  72. Generate .xml from asp form
  73. new to xml
  74. param Qusetion
  75. managing XMLHTTPObject on the single computer
  76. Is this considered good xml practice
  77. Borland XML Parser
  78. sgml to sgml
  79. XML ADO ADO.NET and Recordsets
  80. Managing XML content (present in multiple files)
  81. SQL timestamp column in XML
  82. How to create digital signatures in xml documents
  83. Get certificate and private key from IE5.0 to sign an XML document
  84. How can I generate a .xml from a DTD and a form?
  85. XML/XSL Java Package
  86. How do I load an XML formatted string into the DOM?
  87. how COM will accept XML data from SQL?
  88. A newbie question re CSS and XML
  89. SQL conversion to XML (I think)
  90. XML Through Firewalls
  91. XML Patch for IE4 xmlredist.exe
  92. XSL file and external scripts
  93. Cheers again Russ
  94. SAX Programing with VB
  95. How can I generate a .xml with a C++ TreeCtrl?
  96. transfering w3.org namespace to my own server
  97. Trying to have IE5.5 do XSLT with 1999/XSL/Transform
  98. ??Best way to validate an external dtd
  99. loadXML vs. CreateElement
  100. how to use XML with javascript or vbscript client script
  101. Possible to declare condition statement in XSD?
  102. IVBSAXXMLFilter Example
  103. Serious help needed!
  104. viewsource in html
  105. Build Centralized VB, XML Apps Error: Suggestions?
  106. How to convert xml document to both HTML and PDF
  107. XML string from a Stored Procedur....
  108. fd
  109. view source in HTML or XML
  110. SQL 2000 and XML
  111. xml standards for user information storing and sharing
  112. XML question
  113. XML Data Islands
  114. Ordering of the attributes
  115. How do I transform xml serverside with data coming from a database?
  116. how can I serialize a XMLDocument using oracle xdk?
  118. Basic Requirements For XML
  119. Creating a "search" with XML.
  120. XML & Javascript
  121. Generating HTML and PDF files
  122. XMLHTTP
  123. Getting child nodes....
  124. vb to xml sending data to the server and save it as xml file
  125. MS Access to XML
  126. Sites that return XML
  127. How does XML manage update of a data record?
  128. Persisting from ADO to XML in DOM
  129. XSLT
  130. Inquiry on XML\DOM and server end uses
  131. How: Populate table of URLs from an XML using XSLT
  132. Ignore previous one: How: Populate table of URLs from an XML using XSLT
  133. XML-based tool to manage database schemas (install, upgrade, migrate)?
  134. Re: Populate table of IMGs from an XML using XSLT
  135. Compilation error in Tomcat Serverlet Engine
  136. Compilation errors in Tomcat Servlet engine
  137. XML File Size
  138. Need to understand XML/EDI better...pls help.
  139. XML-direct connection to database
  140. Internationalization with XML
  141. XML / XSL -> HTML on Server
  142. Changing an XML document using XSL transformations
  143. XMLHTTP Question
  144. converting xml to html
  145. xsl:include in IE5 fails.
  146. Update: xsl:include in IE5 fails.
  147. DTD Stumper
  148. parsing XML String in java...
  149. Changing an XML document using XSL transformations - Part II
  150. Errors executing sample SOAP appln
  151. HTTP Request
  152. XML, XSL and PERL
  153. XML parsing in C++
  154. XML commute reading
  155. SOAP/WebDAV : When to use ?
  156. XSL namespace - feature conflict
  157. Simple Java DOM question
  158. xml, xsl and perl!!
  159. Comparision --what's wrong in this simple fragment
  160. Any XSLT debugger available?
  161. nested xsl:for-each seems not working
  162. data mining
  163. xsl:if vs. xsl: choose
  164. Caching XML on the client and paging it
  165. Need Ur Suggestion
  166. Need Ur Suggestion
  167. Namespace problem with Bulkload
  168. XMLHTTP problems...help?
  169. xsl, xml and time
  170. Creating XML3 document in a VB MTS component
  171. Reading document.cookie in XSL
  172. Typo-> Reading document.cookie in XSL
  173. How to form a conditional XPath expression
  174. anchor in xsl
  175. xml to html
  176. Parent child relationships (im an XML amateur/newbie)
  177. Query on SOAP
  178. XML Bench Mark Testing
  179. XML integrated with INPUT
  180. Reading data into XML using a file that has CVS or XLS format
  181. how to create a radio button in xsl,xml
  182. How to use namespaces and DTDs
  183. Re: Reading data into XML using a file that has CSV or XLS format
  184. xml to ado recordset
  185. a second ? regarding xml to ado recordset
  186. XSL Performance
  187. XSL Performance
  188. parser loses tags
  189. Loading XML into Visual C++
  190. For XML in stored procedure
  191. Loading Combobox with XML7/XSL
  192. XML Word Processor...
  193. developerWorks is giving away a free Webservices CD
  194. Can Not Create Object: MSXML2.
  195. An interesting filtering problem
  196. An example of using IXMLHttpRequest::put_onreadystatechange Method
  197. data conversion to xml
  198. Initiale Java array with XML data.
  199. How is XML used ??
  200. Thanks Mark
  201. Invalid chars in XML Doc
  202. Spinning your XML for screens of all sizes
  203. appendchild losing data
  204. Installing XML
  205. Populating a treeview with XML documents
  206. Sending and receiving XML parameters to a ATL COM
  207. Encoding switch error
  208. Combining XML Documents
  209. formatting data with XSL
  210. Re: Encoding switch error (FIXED)
  211. Dynamically displaying data using XML/XSL/CSS
  212. Access XML-Content with Jscript?
  213. Tree expanded by default in IE.
  214. Using XML to access data from a database
  215. XML and Boolean
  216. XML Information
  217. xml to jsp, i would appreciate any ideas, thanks
  218. text to xmll conversion
  219. novice XSLT problem in VB
  220. XSLT functions - divide
  221. XML and database -- how do we connect them? Who is the middle guy?
  222. ADO Or XML ? What should I use ?
  223. XML encoding - handling foreign lang chars
  224. XML Editor in IE5 browser
  225. XML Startkabel News
  226. Basic Question - hyperlink
  227. Multiple XSL & XML docs: How to integrate...
  228. SOAP and XMLHTTP object...
  229. XML/C++ Development Tools
  230. Display XML doc in IE control without saving it to disk
  231. Question with passing XML to a target ASP
  232. XML from VB with DTD files?
  233. XML error -2147221164
  234. Displaying data read from a data source, on a dynamically generated HTML
  235. Xml architecture
  236. Reading a XML-File in an Applet
  237. Transformation on Server
  238. Multiple stylesheets with XSLT
  239. Persistant Recordset using XML
  240. Referrences in VB
  241. XPath - SQL Select distinct
  242. HTML Scraping useful
  243. retrieving XML as Recordset to asp
  244. Writing and Reading a XML Stream
  245. Problem with XMLHTTP.Open
  246. Reading in an N-tier system
  247. XML Newbie - Confused
  248. simple XML APPENDING problem
  249. Combining multiple ADO recordsets into hierarchical XML
  250. external DTD help
posted by Mr.Late @ 10:03 PM   0 comments
  1. How to updatation takes place in an XML application
  2. XML using DTD?
  3. Outlook to XML
  4. Sugesstions
  5. How do I get data from a database into an XML page
  6. Converting XML message to desired format
  7. XML DTD and namespaces
  8. In memory validation of XML doc?
  9. xsl:call-template and xsl-script not working
  10. XML 'Permission Denied'
  11. Time standard BC AD?
  12. Defining Size Restrictions for character elements
  13. UnZip files
  14. FO and FOP transformations
  15. What is the official XML Definition
  16. css into xsl?
  17. XSL & HTML tags
  18. SAX 2 validating DTDs
  19. IE5 crashes
  20. xsl-formating
  21. xsl-formating
  22. XML document search
  23. Re: special characters in XSL
  24. XmlEditorKit
  25. xml
  26. XML DOM
  27. Reserved characters in xml and xsl
  28. Display xml file
  29. How to load a 100+M XML file to Fox Pro
  30. XML C API
  31. inserting images into an XML document
  32. Web Reporting
  33. how to set the value to the <xsl:variable>
  34. New Hot Program please email if intrested
  35. is it necessary
  36. fog with servlet
  37. Xml comparisons
  38. XSL Translation of DOM Document Won't work
  39. Saving XML using rs.save using adPersistXML
  40. Help With Basics !
  41. Data Island Binding Problem......
  42. Data Island Binding Problem......
  43. Childnodes and Element declarations
  44. grouping data by using XSL
  45. Adding records in xml file
  46. Change the Element Name
  47. XML Challenge
  48. extracting data within element begin/end tags
  49. Help student to convert Xml to Java
  50. webMethods B2B Developer
  51. Retaining values
  52. DOMDocument creating child element
  53. Reporting through XML
  54. Find nodes inside a lot of XML files
  55. sql parser for xml
  56. Turning XML elements into hyperlinks
  57. escaping "<" in xsl using cdata and javascript
  58. hi
  59. Store and instantly access a Billion xml records (HOW TO)
  60. Well formed XML results from DOMDocucument
  61. Images in XMl
  62. A Good XML Book
  63. binary data in XML
  64. Validating XML document
  65. Validating XML document (please avoid the other message)
  66. COM and XML - real world
  67. Storing xml file data into a buffer ( string)
  68. passing XML from VB client to Java server over HTTP
  69. Conditional Schemas
  70. XML usefulness
  71. "FOR XML" and ADO confusion
  72. Anon - Re: XML usefulness
  73. XML into a string
  74. How to start learning XML
  75. How to parse Schema
  76. Why are we going backwards in technology?
  77. Projects in XML
  78. How to convert XML->recordset
  79. SAX parsing of text with spaces
  80. redirecting xml parser to use a local DTD instead of the one listed in the xml doc
  81. Converting XML to database
  82. XML Conversion to Excel in IE5 Client
  83. XSLT insert implied decimal point
  84. how do i find .where from the request is coming
  85. XML DOM QuickReference
  86. ReUse VBScript
  87. Setting root node
  88. Help Pls: DOMNode expression????
  89. Constraining Attribute Values
  90. SOAP Losing the tags
  91. XML Start
  92. Can you XSLT in SAX2?
  93. DOM only? Clarification
  94. Export
  95. Xerces and XMLDocumentHandler
  96. To XML Doc--Use JSP--To HTML/WAP
  97. Server-side script in XSL?
  98. Dynamic SQL Statements in an XML Document
  99. Is XML worth studying and using?
  100. HTML error
  101. Alter GBColor
  102. XML links
  103. Processing XML/XSL in a java application
  104. Distinct Values or Groupings
  105. XML DOM
  106. Change selected attribute by xsl
  107. [Comments On] An XML Wish List
  108. XML DOM implementations..
  109. Open .xml file in Visual Basic?
  110. Great XML editor
  111. "enfold" node with another threw xsl
  112. jhgf
  113. template and apply-templates
  114. includes & imports
  115. I have a practical problem
  116. Duplicate entries in XML DOM Object
  117. Generating multiple text files.
  118. Need help
  119. Batch Validation of XML file against Schema
  120. Why did this line fail? P.S. Thanks
  121. It did not work - Could this be a bug in the new parser?
  122. see: it didn't work posting for more info
  123. "template match" woes
  124. xsl:script
  125. Please help with my XML doc problem
  126. Name Space Question
  127. HTTP Error 900
  128. How to define an entity in an XML Schema
  129. Help
  130. job
  131. Difference-xsl/xslt
  132. Help: Copying entire element as it is to another document
  133. Conversion of XML data
  134. XML DOM - Traversing thru the Tree
  135. urgent question, please help...
  136. Pattern Matching
  137. XML
  138. Excel to XML
  139. get an extension element to recognize variable
  140. namespaces
  141. xsl:include
  142. Xslt or DOM
  143. XML namespaces and patterns
  144. linking xml with jsp
  145. Create transparent TABLE or DIV with XMS/CSS
  146. XML file and DTD
  147. XML
  148. Download a file from a site with XMLHTTP
  149. urgent help for converting xml to RTF and LaTex
  150. viewing sections of xml
  151. problem encounted on MS Parser
  152. XML compared to other Databases
  153. How 2 parse CDATA
  154. about Parsing XMLSchema
  155. Awkward characters in Regular Expressions In Schema SimpleType definition
  156. SelectSingleNode many attributes in the criteria
  157. using xsl order-by clause on numeric attributes
  158. CSV to XML
  159. Adding Nodes
  160. schemas
  161. Organizing Documents
  162. XML Schema created with ADO 2.5
  163. How to convert a text file(report) to a xml file ?
  164. Sorting in XML
  165. where can we download xmlwriter?
  166. JTree and xml
  167. Schema and DTD Validation
  168. XSLT in Servlet
  169. VB-XML
  170. A Brand New Portal for XML Users of all Kinds
  171. Oracle 8 => XML => IIS4 => ASP ???
  172. Building XML DOM in VB..
  173. converting pdf's to xml what's the best way
  174. Background
  175. Treeview control
  176. The code
  177. The code
  178. Returning XML from SQL Server
  179. dynamically created xml element
  180. XDR schemas within DOM document
  181. XML query
  182. ESPX
  183. XML/XSL transformation question
  184. Generated page from XMLHTTP Request is not used by Save As and Send Page by Email
  185. Where to find the nice XSLT sample code or XSLT Tutorial?
  186. XML to string in C++
  187. Problem in XML Document Transformation
  188. how to use if statement in xsl
  189. Can any body help me using xlinks with an example?
  190. DOM and xml file
  191. Using parameter for xsl:sort
  192. XML -> MS Excel ?!
  194. Software to Update XML?
  195. Need Help with getElementsByTagName F(x)
  196. generating XML from SQL Server
  197. schema and DTD !!
  198. How to embed one XML document in another XML document
  199. can an xml document refer to DTD and schema at the same time ??
  200. XSLT
  201. XML editor
  202. xml behavior
  203. Starting Up
  204. Compare two XML files
  205. which xml parsers for java provide schema support ??
  206. Help with a XSL template
  207. Using XML
  208. Jaxp1.0.1 - Validating XML Against a DTD
  209. Large XML files into SQL
  210. IXMLHTTPRequest
  211. Embed xml property into <body> xsl...???
  212. xml attributes vs. elements
  213. how to use xml
  214. Problem using XSL from IE -- works with DOM in VB
  215. Validating inline schema
  216. XML document
  217. can i define level of validation with XML Schema ??
  218. xml databases for embedded devices
  219. Problem accessing the XML from the server
  220. Starting XML
  221. XML use in documentation: examples sought
  222. Advantage of using XML to improve performance in place of ADO/Recorsets to access data from SQLSERVE
  223. Adding HTML to XML + XSL
  224. learning xml
  225. insert xml subfiles into a global xml
  226. How can I include html in my xml file ?
  227. Re: How can I include html in my xml file ? with copy-of...
  228. DTD question
  229. XML, Database tables and fields
  230. DTD question
  231. XSLT and document.location.href
  232. Best wat to combine XML files???
  233. nodeFromID method in MSXML DOM
  234. Converting XML data into a HTML Table.
  235. Xml -> PDF Translation
  236. XMLHTTPRequest
  237. non-breaking space in HTML from XSL
  238. apply 2 xsl for the same xml
  239. XML and Localization
  240. integrate html in xml file
  241. Retreiving Element Attributes Only
  242. Convert a .xml into .pdb
  243. Validation with DTD and MS-Schema
  244. Problems getting template match=.. to work
  245. xsl if within for-each
  246. Populating form fields using XML & XSL
  247. Can I???
  248. MSXML DOM Appending child nodes
  249. FreeThreaded DOM Document
  250. converting wml into html and dhtml into html using xslt
posted by Mr.Late @ 10:02 PM   0 comments
The Battles Continues...
  1. displaying an XML string
  2. Open a Recordset from a received XML file without persist it
  3. XSL Variables/Attributes
  4. msxml.dd --XMLHttpRequest
  5. XML - i have no idea
  6. XML and perl on the web server
  8. Interelement Validation
  9. Invoking a JavaScript f() in XSLT
  10. SelectSingelNode With Variables - Possible ?
  11. xml
  12. Urgent!!!
  13. How to: <?xml version='1.0'?> in output
  14. XML in ASP
  15. Assigning XML element value to Hidden form field in XSL?
  16. Product catalog with XML
  17. Embedding HTML in XML
  18. XML to Excel conversion
  19. Using XML and VB 6 Web Class
  20. XML Training Classes in SF Bay Area (CA, USA)?
  21. Writing xmldocument to a database
  22. Article on Data Binding: XML in Java
  23. XML Trainers
  24. [DISSERT] where can I get a free collection of XML documents?
  25. Microsoft XML Parser
  26. XSLT & Page break
  27. XML does not populate in Netscape 6.x - PLEASE HELP
  28. javascript to save xml PERMISSION DENIED
  29. appendChild Failure
  30. XML Editors
  31. Client Side Swapping of XSL?
  32. Convert a CSV file into an XML structure
  33. Conversion from database to XML
  34. XML Node List Getting Properties
  35. linking to anchors in another document without Xpointer
  36. how to open xml database using xql and java?
  37. john
  38. Event-based XML Parser.
  39. xml insert into relational db parent and child tables
  40. Transforming an XML STREAM coming from a dll
  41. Visual Basic with MSXML3.DLL
  42. getting data from Access SGML to XML
  43. XML Parsing in Cobol
  44. Saving XML on the Client using Script
  45. xml feed problems
  46. XML Security
  47. XML ????
  48. IBM developerWorks resources: xml_pickle and Web rendering
  49. XML Dynamic Forms
  50. XML References
  51. XML and its applications in government
  52. UTF-16 encoding problem while parsing a xml document using sun's parser
  53. convert XML file to SVG
  54. URGENT ASAP - Convert Lotus Notes RTF Format to HTML format
  55. xml question
  56. How can I compile and run the xml file?
  57. Creating an ADO shaped recordset from XML
  58. XML/WEB Report Presentation
  59. How to reference to a other DTD in a DTD ?
  60. XMLHTTP.open
  61. which to use on server to output html - xsl or msxml + VBscript
  62. xml & dhtml
  63. XML and image display?
  64. XML Transformation syntax
  65. XML as background-information?
  66. PLEASE HELP !! Need an instructor.
  68. How to set the DataType on DOMAttribute
  69. Parsing a XML file to a flat file
  70. IBM's Web Services architecture debuts
  71. how to pass parameter to XSL
  72. SAX parser (parsing from InputStream) problem, please help
  73. xalan
  74. rdf implementation
  75. XML book?
  76. Why XML
  77. XML - Style Sheets
  78. XSL and XML in Netscape
  79. java.lang.String to org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl
  80. comma delimited
  81. XML to ADO stream object
  82. Understanding of XML
  83. non empty element as choice of (newbie)
  84. Re: non empty element as choice of (newbie) v2
  85. ASP + XML + XSL
  86. VisualAge + XMLSQL Utitlity
  87. DTD validation
  88. XML DTD to Microsoft Access/SQL Server tables
  89. xml:space
  90. XML Refresh
  91. Transform xml document to another xml document
  92. Using Session Variables in XSL
  93. Is there a Help file for MSXML ?
  94. XMLHTTP problems
  95. how to embed XML query language in JAVA
  96. Accessing different databases through XML
  97. XML download
  98. XML to ADO reordsets
  99. Reading operating system files
  100. dt:type="id" vs "idref"
  101. XML - multimedia
  102. XSL Outputting
  103. Generic data parser
  104. From tree view data to XML string?
  105. 230k XML data Files - any problem?
  106. XCQL
  107. Convert HTML to XML
  108. Basics Of XML
  109. Content management
  110. covert XML to textfile
  111. Novice Schema Question, Please Help.
  112. XSL pattern
  113. XML data islands and updating
  114. COM Alternative to MSXML.DLL
  115. Has anyone tried "GOtrieve?" Uses XML for wireless functions.
  116. Error occus when I upload the page.
  117. need help in generating xml report
  118. What's the difference between W3's XML standand and Microsoft's XML implementation?
  119. Converting EDI (850) to XML and converting XML to EDI
  120. Transforming nodes with like attributes to children of the same node
  121. Linking using XML
  122. XML Vs Database
  123. ADO persisted XML format - any 'leaner'?
  124. XML
  125. Generic data parser(may get the answer)
  126. POST with XMLHTTPRequest Component?
  128. Can anyone in simply language explain Intermedia text based fuzzy searches?
  129. Recordset size
  130. XML AND VB
  131. Re: Converting EDI (850) to XML and converting XML to EDI - Use BizTalk
  132. SAX api :problems
  133. DOM : Set encoding from Cp1252 to UTF-8
  134. Can anyone recommend a good XSL editor?
  135. XML Entity
  136. MSXML3.DLL with AXES
  137. Quick way to check if an element exists?
  138. software package
  139. xml attachment created from a submit page
  140. Querying and XML file like a database
  141. conversion of data into XML format
  142. novice question regarding transforming datas into xml
  143. re-write COM interface to XML
  144. XML and db2
  145. Processing of user i/o form using XML/XSL
  146. Printing of Programmatically generated report
  147. xml sites
  148. XML
  149. New XML specific newsgroups added.....
  150. what is xml
  151. Converting XML DTD and Schema to XML Instances
  152. ASP locking XML files.
  153. XML & XSL = HTML (well sort of)
  154. XSL: <BR> tag in netscape
  155. Problem when using xsl:key
  156. Web Discovery
  157. what is the best way to convert and object to XML and later obtain de object from the XML?
  158. XML Schema in document
  159. XML Documents, Schemas, XML Parser, DOM
  160. xml sites
  161. XML Schema from BizTalk
  162. other format files to xml -convert
  163. XML Node
  164. Compressed XML
  165. problem readig xml file
  166. real-world examples of using XML
  167. Quickest way to clone a document using xerces.
  168. Hi, everybody
  169. XML to HTML Character Escaping
  170. Re: Excel to XML
  171. xml in the future
  172. Accessing element from Javascript
  173. XML Training
  174. flat file to xml in java
  175. XML Editor Marketshare / Momentum
  176. IE4 is not ok? how to save XML file
  177. Thank guys. Re: xml sites
  178. Converting Document to XML
  179. start up question
  180. XML Bridge for SAP off alphaworks
  181. which jar file to use
  182. XSL Transform Node Name
  183. dynamic listings
  184. Generate a valid XML DOM from Java
  185. XML! Then What?
  186. XSL on client side
  187. Whats wrong with this code
  188. Whats wrong with this code
  189. problem with xml file generation.
  190. SOAP and SDL Wizard
  191. How to make XML output editable
  192. Handle '>' this!
  193. Handle '>' this!
  194. Using textbox to display the data from XML source using XSL transformnode method?
  195. Comparison / difference between SOAP and XML/RPC
  196. Database and XML
  197. DOM, DHTML, LAYER or WHAT??
  198. Using MSXML Between Tiers
  199. Creating an XML file with an ASP recordset object
  200. Does MSXML.DLL Require IE
  201. How to connect a xml file to Filemaker Pro database
  202. Using XML schema
  203. XML To HTML
  204. XML + DB2 mainframe
  205. Memory issues with msxml parser
  206. XML, Java and not using files
  207. How to clone a subtree in C/C++ using Microsoft XML DOM
  208. msxsl:script
  209. XML/userData/VBScript
  211. xml feed to oracle 8i db...how?
  212. Lokoing for XML & SOAP authors
  213. DTD
  214. Nulls in ADO recordset How to handle them??
  215. Attempt to modify read only node error in IE 5.
  216. soap & xml rpc
  217. clone dom
  218. compression
  219. looking for parser API for java
  220. Foreign language
  221. XML support in DB-s like Oracle or SQL Server
  222. css into xsl
  223. Puting XML on cd... How do I refer to Access DB file dynamically?
  224. XML to PDF
  225. XML in Java connect SQL server database
  226. support for namespaces on attribute value
  227. XML & Streams
  228. breaking up a XML document into several pages
  229. Binary Data in XML
  230. XML Servers
  231. XML and XSL
  232. XML Security
  233. XML used fot Accounting and Billing
  234. Access in nonXML files from XML!
  235. How can i read a XML file in Java
  236. Linking in XML
  237. Browser hangs while loading heavy data through xsl.
  238. GUI-Building
  239. XSL Question...
  240. Page-Break
  241. xml to html
  242. conversion of pdf file to xml format
  243. Emphasis of element within element using xsl
  244. Using VB6 to convert Binary Files to XML
  245. q
  246. XML Permission Denined
  247. q
  248. tabular databinding navigation with datapagesize using nextPage, etc.
  249. XML/XSL parser for Palm
  250. send xml message to differents clients
posted by Mr.Late @ 9:59 PM   0 comments
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